the devil and tom walker 300 words essay

The relationship between values and characters

Values: trustworthiness and thankful

I think that they are not thanful because Tom Walker is a magician who sold his soul to the Devil in charge or wisdom,power and money. The value in this story us the devotion to God because they sell their soul to take money , this story is a variation of a legend by morass by trustworthiness because tom and his wife don’t hsve confidence between and both are liars so i think this afected Tom. The relationship between values and characters is God because they don’t trust God in somecases and they sold his soul to devil in turns for money and power . By the devotion to God , it’s not good , because Hod never judges but he never will be lost , because were son’s God and he wants the good for us , byt he never will he stand to pay attention for him , when we want to talk with him , we search him and he will be next to you , in the case of Tom , he forgets God and trust in devil , what that’s wrong because we can’t trust in him , because it’s destinated in the devotion to God. This story that is based in the devil and tom because he sales his soul to him in recharge for wisdom , Tom don’t express the gratitude to God in this case he didn’t express the trustworthiness to God but he express to tue devil in charge for what i told later. Tom has been considered distant in context for his neighborhood because the shortcut homeward into de swamp , the grand value in this is that he never thinks he needs some help of his neighborhood instead he didn’t express the gratitude to his neighbors. Tom is thankful to the Devil when he has to be gratefully and thankful with God , sometimes God try’s to help us , buy we donde see the good actions and don’t let him help us


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