
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2018

Colombia .Barranquilla and my neighborhood

Colombia Clombia is located in South America and shares a small border with Panama. The word colombia is named after Cristopher Columbus discovery, the language which Colombia use is Spanish.  Colombia is bathed by oceans and rivers throughout the country , Colombia is best known for it’s emeralds and a grand diversity in flora and fauna , across the years Colombia had advanced in much aspects in cities around the country , much people knows Colombia because of the time when Pablo Escobar was alive he leaved a bad reputation to the country.Also Colombia is the country that mostly trades cocaine around the world. Colombia’s president is Ivan Duque which was elected last june. Colombia is also known for the exportation of coffee, palm oil, artesanies,fruits,textiles and flowers to other countries;Colombia is the country with the best coffee of the  world, they trade all around the world .Colombia has three ethnic groups , the afrocolombians , the indigenous and the romani population.  T

#1 about my life

i was born at colombia at october five of 2002, at this time i’m a blessed girl who has a unconditional parents , at over time i  look how blessed and fortunate i am , because God bless me with a parents that they love me . We’re not the perfect family but we are together that’s the important. Between the time i’m sure a lot of people want a united family like mine . I’m only child but i have a dog his name is ginger she have ten years , among the time she is more old . My dad was born in girardot, cundinamarca , i have seven uncles of which two of them died , one died about cancer and the other one in a airplane crash he was a pilot called fernando . My childhood was too difficult because i didn’t grow up with my grandparents company because the died while i was small. I only have my grandma from mom part and i love and i appreciate her a lot . My grandfather from mom part comes from poland , he scape from poland at the second world war in which my great grand mother died , he was acc