#1 about my life

i was born at colombia at october five of 2002, at this time i’m a blessed girl who has a unconditional parents , at over time i  look how blessed and fortunate i am , because God bless me with a parents that they love me . We’re not the perfect family but we are together that’s the important. Between the time i’m sure a lot of people want a united family like mine . I’m only child but i have a dog his name is ginger she have ten years , among the time she is more old . My dad was born in girardot, cundinamarca , i have seven uncles of which two of them died , one died about cancer and the other one in a airplane crash he was a pilot called fernando . My childhood was too difficult because i didn’t grow up with my grandparents company because the died while i was small. I only have my grandma from mom part and i love and i appreciate her a lot . My grandfather from mom part comes from poland , he scape from poland at the second world war in which my great grand mother died , he was accompanied with his father and his brother , they arrived to Monteria . And my mother is from Barranquilla, colombia.


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