
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2019

The raven 600 words essay

This poem is about an obsession but in this case it’s a rare obsession because the man is trying to talk with the raven. The raven is a Black bird . I think there is a struggle because the man thinks the bird was send by his love (the woman) , the point is that the man was obsessed with lenore memory and he don’t let she rest in peace so that’s the problem . I think if the man try’s to forget the past and focus on the present it will be perfect for the man because the present is the present and it couldn’t be changed , you lived what you have to live but now is the present and you have to forget and focus on the present because the importance is the present not the past or the future is the PRESENT. I think that he goes insane when the bird says “never more” because he thinks the word “never more” was connected with his wife and i think he thinks that’s. I think lenore died and the man (the speaker) feels something towards , he finds his feelings toward the died of his loved woman and